International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services
ACCREDITATIONStandards of Quality Assurance

Standards of Quality Assurance

The CIRSE Standards of Quality Assurance in Interventional Oncology establish a framework to achieve the highest standards for patient care and treatment, as well as the safety and efficiency of interventional procedures involved in the management of cancer patients.

The Standards provide a framework for the gold standard of IO services, which is something we hope all facilities will strive to achieve over the coming years as IO becomes a firmly established clinical service. They are supported by over 40 national and international societies, including the European Cancer Organisation (ECO).

These Standards serve as the foundation for the application for IASIOS accreditation.

Please note that IASIOS differentiates between an Accredited Centre that meets all core requirements and a Centre of Excellence that meets both core and extended requirements.

The document outlines in three sections and 13 standards the evidence that is required to achieve IASIOS accreditation.

  • Staff and Facilities (Standards 1 to 6)
  • Treatment Planning and Delivery (Standards 7 to 9)
  • Safety and Quality (Standards 10 to 13)

In the Standards, you will see an IASIOS logo next to the core requirements.

To learn more about the required criteria, read the Requirements page.
For more information on how the standards are used in the IASIOS accreditation, read the Accreditation Pathway.